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Milk & Cookies Page 2

  Blake popped his head around the corner. “Don't worry about dinner for us if you had something planned. I mean, if you had plans to go out or whatever, go ahead. I think we'll probably be hanging out here tonight. Maybe order some pizza or something.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Blake, I'm sure you eat pizza several nights a week. Let me make you something. How about some fried chicken and the whole works?”

  He laughed. “Well, I'm not going to stop you if you want to make it, but you don't have to.”

  “I want to,” I said with a smile.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “I have to run to the store. Dinner will be ready at seven.”

  He nodded and walked back up the stairs to his room. “Thanks, Leah. I'll let Chase know.”

  I was thrilled to have someone to cook for. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, making a mental list of everything I would need. I couldn't wait to show off my cooking skills. I hoped Chase would be impressed. I didn't really know why, but I wanted to prove to him I was more than a spoiled, rich stepmom. I wanted him to see me as a woman.

  Chapter 3


  “Come on, man. This place is huge. I'll never find it. Just get up and show me, and then you can come right back and go back to bed,” I begged Blake.

  He had told me there was a home gym here. I had to use it. I couldn't afford to get soft a month before practice started. This was my year. If I was going to get picked up by the majors, I had to get my shit together. Admittedly, that was the dream I told everyone, but deep down, I wanted to get a good job, use that business degree I would have earned after four years and have a real grown-up life. I wanted the career, family, and maybe even a white picket fence.

  “Fine,” he groaned. “I'm going to draw you a map.”

  “Leave me a trail of breadcrumbs.”

  He rolled out of bed wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs and headed for the door.

  “Dude, your mom, I mean stepmom, is in the house. Put some clothes on,” I grumbled, suddenly feeling a little weird about Leah seeing him practically naked.

  “Like she cares,” he groused before grabbing a pair of shorts and stepping into them. “Let's go.”

  I followed him down the hall, down the huge staircase, and in the opposite direction of the kitchen. As we walked, I could see a huge pool outside through the wall of windows along the back of the house. Beyond the pool, there was a tennis court.

  “Damn, man, did you seriously live here?” I asked in amazement.

  He had never let on. I couldn't believe he shared a room with some dude. How in the hell did he manage to go from this to where we lived now?

  “What's that?” I asked when we passed a door with a gold popcorn plaque on it.


  “What? Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked in amazement.

  He shrugged.

  “Dude, I want a full tour when I'm done and you get your ass out of bed,” I told him, imagining all the other luxuries the mansion must hold. “Really, how many bedrooms are in this place?”


  “Damn! Bathrooms?”


  “Holy shit. How? I don't understand how do you do it. How do you share two bathrooms with eight of us in the house after having this many?”

  “I just do.”

  Okay. Clearly, he wasn't in the mood to talk about his family's mansion.

  “Here,” he said, pushing open a door.

  I had to laugh. Of course. Of course, their home gym resembled a Planet Fitness. I should have expected as much.


  “The sound system is controlled on that wall pad,” he said before leaving.

  I looked at the wall, saw the pad thing, and decided it was best if I didn't touch it. I had my iPod and earbuds. I didn't need to mess with fancy technology that probably cost more than I would earn in this lifetime.

  I walked to a treadmill and nearly screamed like a little girl. Leah was running on one of the four treadmills lined up against the wall. She had headphones on. When she saw me, she smiled and waved.

  I put up a hand, feeling like an idiot. It was all I could do. She was wearing a tight pair of leggings and a sports bra. Every inch of her body was on display in the snug outfit. Her breasts were bouncing up and down as she ran. A very beautiful, luscious set of breasts, I might add. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, revealing a long, slender neck. I wanted to bury my face in it. There was a very sexy sheen of sweat over her chest that made me think of sex.

  There was no way I could concentrate on a treadmill. I would fall face-first. I decided to change up my plans and start with some weight lifting and strengthening exercises. The cardio could wait. Unfortunately, the weights were directly across from the treadmills. I would be looking at her. Actually, now that I looked around, almost anywhere I stood in the gym, I would see her. There were large mirrors on almost all the walls.

  Doing my best to put her out of my mind, I got started on my own workout. The urge to flex and lift more than I normally would was very strong. I wanted to show this woman I was all man. It was strange, but I really wanted to impress her. She was my best friend's stepmother, but she didn't look like any mother I had ever seen. If I had seen Leah at the club, I would be all over her. I liked my women a little more mature. The girls at school tried my patience with their ridiculous drama.

  I blocked out images of me banging my friend's stepmom and focused on my workout. It was something I was very good at. Blocking out all the nonsense and focusing on the task at hand allowed me to have supreme focus and concentration, which was something my baseball coach told me he admired. I was a pitcher, and sometimes, the audience and even the other players could mess up your concentration—if you let them.

  My workout was in full swing, and I was feeling good when my concentration evaporated. Leah was standing directly in front of me, holding out a bottle of water.

  I pulled out my earbuds. “What's up?” I asked, out of breath.

  “I thought you could use some water. You are working up quite a sweat. I wasn't sure if you knew where it was,” she said, her voice husky.

  I nodded and took the water. “Thank you.”

  “There is a fridge over there,” she said, pointing to the corner where I saw what she was talking about. It had one of those clear doors that allowed you to see inside. “There's juice, water, sports drinks, and smoothies. Help yourself. You need to keep that body fueled,” her voice dropped, as did her eyes.

  I had stripped off the tank top I had been wearing a while ago. The gym was cooled, but the workout was making me sweat. I suddenly felt a little self-conscious standing there with no shirt on. She was looking at me in a way that made my dick grow hard.

  “Thank you. I mean thanks for letting me stay here, and thanks for everything. I really appreciate it,” I quickly said, hoping she would leave before she noticed what was happening down south.

  She smiled. “Anytime. Anything you need,” she added, and I suddenly got the feeling she wasn't talking about juice boxes.

  “Okay,” I said, feeling a little awkward.

  “Make sure you, uh, wipe everything down when you're done,” she said, her eyes running over my chest before meeting mine.

  I stared into her green eyes, trying to figure her out. Was she flirting? Did she notice my erection? I had to stop myself from looking down to see if it was obvious.

  “I will,” I mumbled, my mouth going dry at the thought of this woman actually flirting with me. The way she kept looking at my chest made me think she was. It was only making my erection grow more. I shifted, trying to adjust myself.

  I opened the bottle of water and began to gulp it down. She stood there watching me. I stopped drinking and stared back at her. I could feel an electricity humming between us. Maybe it was because we were both half naked and sweating. I didn't know for sure, but there was no denying how badly I wanted the woman.

en she turned and walked away, my eyes focused on her perfect, tight ass. It was an ass that would fit perfectly up against me. I could see myself bending the woman over and pounding into her, my hands gripping that round, tight ass.

  The door shut behind her, and I was left alone in the gym with my thoughts and my erection. I had been attracted to women before, but this woman was different. It was instant chemistry between us, and she wasn't trying to deny it.

  Focus on your workout, Chase.

  I blocked the blond woman with the perfect ass from my mind, put my earbuds back in, and headed to the treadmill to get a cardio workout in. I would run her right out of my head. Running gave me clarity, and hopefully, it would give me the good sense to stay far away from my best friend's mom. Stepmom.

  Chapter 4


  What the hell, Leah?

  As I hurried away from the gym, I lectured myself for my boldness. I had made several innuendos, knowing there was no way he could have missed them or interpreted them any other way. I had come on to a young man who was the same age as my stepson. I was kind of freaking myself out. Who did that?

  I did, apparently. There was something about Chase that made me want to jump him. It was this crazy, feral need deep down that was making me act a little crazy. When I looked at him, all I could think about was sex. Not plain old, missionary-style sex. Hot, nasty sex no proper woman dared consider. I had never been so horny in my life. Granted, I had been attracted to Dennis, and I had certainly had my fair share of one night stands before I met him, but this was different. It was incredibly difficult to keep my hands and eyes to myself whenever he was around.

  Maybe it was hormones. I had read women tended to find their sexual stride in their late twenties and early thirties. Maybe I had stepped into mine, and I didn't know it until this gorgeous man walked into my life.

  No. That couldn't be right. I encountered single, eligible bachelors on the daily. Men who I knew were attracted to me and men I knew were good looking, but they just did nothing for me. I figured that sexual side of me had collected dust for so long, my libido had shriveled up and died. It hadn't. Obviously. I had been depriving myself for too long.

  Chase was like the magic antidote for my dead libido. He made me want to crawl on top of him and do things to his body that were probably illegal in some states. I wanted him to do the same to me. Sex with Dennis had been good. We had fun. He satisfied me. I wanted mind-blowing sex that made me scream for mercy. I wanted the hot and dirty sex I knew other people my age were having. The kind that made you blush just thinking about it.

  My body knew Chase was the man to give me what I craved. The way he looked at me had nearly been my undoing. He had practically undressed me with his eyes. Hell, by the way he stared at my body, I think he had played out his own little fantasy in his head. It had been very erotic, and I was bummed he hadn't acted on whatever had played out in his head.

  It was as if there were two magnets being drawn to each other. I wanted to know what he tasted like and if his dick was as big as I imagined it to be. Watching him lift those weights made me think of him carrying me to bed. He had stamina. I fantasized about his ability to make me come repeatedly without needing a break.

  Stop it!

  I was thirty-two, not exactly old enough to be Chase's mother, but it was still wrong. Blake would hate me if I slept with his friend. It was crossing some unspoken line. I knew that, but it did nothing to quiet my desire. I was wet and wanted a release. It had been too long. I picked up the pace, anxious to get to my room. I felt as if I were completely exposed and all my nerves were raw. I wanted the safety of my room.

  Once inside, I closed and locked the door and started stripping. I needed to get in the shower and wash away the sweat and lust. I turned on the jets, checked the temperature, and stepped into the huge shower. The jets pulsated hot water on me from all sides. It was one of the luxuries I was very glad I had the money to buy.

  I stood there, replaying the episode in the gym. I knew Chase wanted me as much as I wanted him. I saw him watching me in the mirrors. The way he stared at my body fanned that little ember that was growing into a full-blown bonfire in my belly.

  My hands ran over my breasts, gently rubbing before running over my flat stomach. I imagined my hands were Chase's. Would he be rough or gentle and loving? I wanted hard and demanding—at first.

  Chase had big hands, I adjusted the jets on the shower, making them a little harder and more focused. My hands reached lower, running over my bare pussy lips. I hadn't had sex in a long time, but I still kept things nice and tidy down there. It was the most action my pussy got these days.

  I opened my legs a little wider, giving my fingers full, unfettered access to my pussy. The jets from the shower pulsated, massaging my back and legs as I used my fingers to massage between my legs. I pushed one finger in, just a tiny bit, testing the feel of things. I was hot, wet, and swollen with need. My finger ran over my clit and an idea formed.

  I grabbed the showerhead, sat down on the bench, and spread my legs wide before turning the setting to stream. I gasped the second the powerful stream of water hit my pussy. I could feel my toes curling. My body remembered this sensation and instantly awoke, demanding an orgasm.

  I brought the streaming showerhead close, relishing in the sensation spiraling through my body. The jets were hitting me square in the back and another was pulsating into my chest. My entire body was wracked with pressure from all sides. I moved the stream further away, focusing the full force of it directly on my clit. My head fell back, and I closed my eyes as the water from the second showerhead flowed over me.

  I let myself think of Chase using his tongue. It was Chase's hands massaging my back and breasts at the same time. The vision of him hot and sweating pushed me over the edge. I shouted as the first climax in over a year tore through my body. It was one violent shudder after another. I dropped the showerhead and put my hand over my too-sensitive clit. I wanted more. I wanted Chase.

  Once the tremors stopped and I was able to open my eyes, I stood on shaky legs and quickly finished my shower. The orgasm had been delicious, but I missed the feeling of being filled. I wanted Chase's cock buried deep inside me. When I came, I wanted to feel my body squeezing around his cock, milking him and bringing him to orgasm.

  I had a feeling it was going to be very hard to look at Chase without thinking of my time in the shower. Every time I did look at him, I was going to remember envisioning his mouth moving over my pussy, his tongue in place of the stream of water.

  I walked out of my bathroom and into my huge walk-in closet. I wanted to look good for the man, without appearing like I was trying to impress him. I grabbed a pair of panties and a bra and then began browsing the rows of clothing.

  After spending way longer than I should have while trying to find what to wear to spend a Saturday afternoon at home, I settled on a black wrap-around skirt and a pink sweater. The skirt was long in the back with the front open to a few inches above the knees. I stared at myself in the mirror and then on a complete whim, reached up and yanked off my panties.

  I smiled to myself. Now, I felt sexy and daring. The cool breeze whispered over my bared pussy, reminding me of the orgasm I had just given myself. I stepped into a pair of beige booties with a slight heel before heading to my makeup table. I didn't want much. I preferred to keep my face clean and clear on days I wasn't leaving the house. A little moisturizer, mascara, and a shiny gloss on my lips.

  By the time I made it downstairs to the kitchen, I saw Blake standing in front of the refrigerator, staring at the contents.

  “Hey,” I said in greeting.

  He grunted in response.

  “I can make you some breakfast. How about some French toast and eggs?”

  “That'd be awesome. Thank you!”

  “No problem. I love cooking. Grab some orange juice and sit tight,” I told him, quickly grabbing what I needed to make his meal.

  “Should I make some fo
r Chase?” I asked, hoping I would be seeing him soon.

  “Probably,” he said, with no real enthusiasm.

  “I'll make an extra plate in case he's hungry,” I said, turning around.

  The breeze wafted between my legs and sent a lovely shiver down my spine. I felt naughty and daring and more alive than I had felt in a very long time.

  I really hoped Chase showed up for breakfast.