Milk & Cookies Read online
Page 7
We hit the mall first, mostly doing window shopping. We held hands as we walked along, commenting on the Christmas decorations that made the mall look very festive. People looked at us, but I didn't care. We stopped at a lingerie store. It was her idea. As we browsed the store, me pointing out what I liked, I noticed she looked a little uncomfortable.
“Everything okay?” I asked her.
She smiled. “Of course.”
She was lying. I looked around the store and noticed a few other couples, basically all doing the same thing as we were. I had a feeling she was feeling a little weird because of our age difference.
“We don't have to do this. Let's go,” I said, grabbing her hand.
“No, no. It's fine. I always feel funny buying this stuff in person, like everyone knows what color my panties are,” she said, blushing a little.
I laughed. “I'll buy it and surprise you. Go sit on the bench and wait for me.”
“No! I can't let you buy me panties,” she said, blushing even more.
I leaned in close to her ear. “Who said anything about panties?”
I heard her gasp, and she quickly left the store. I spent a few minutes browsing before settling on a hot little red number I knew would look good on her. It was designed to be worn during sex if one so chose, and I knew I had wanted the red lace and tiny ribbons on her body when I was pushing into her.
With our shopping done, we headed back to her house with me driving again. She leaned over and put her hand on my knee before moving up my thigh and rubbing my dick. I had that little piece of lingerie on my mind and had been unable to think of anything but her wearing it.
“When do I get to see what's in the bag?” she asked.
Her hand was rubbing me, making me hard and uncomfortable. That was nothing compared to having to get out at the grocery store and run in for a few items. Walking with a hard-on had her giggle at me, so it was almost worth it.
By the time we got back into the car, I was aching to get her home. I prayed the housekeeper would be gone. I pulled into the garage, overjoyed to see the housekeeper's car wasn’t in the driveway. I jumped out, grabbed the groceries and we headed inside but didn't make it any farther than the small sitting room off to the side of the foyer. I had grand plans for her wearing the new lingerie, but I couldn't wait. I dropped the groceries on the couch and smiled.
“You’re so damn beautiful.” I reached for her and pulled her close.
It was a frantic stripping of clothes, both of us leaving our shirts on. We dropped to the floor, me plunging into her before her back even touched the fluffy white rug in the center of the room. It took less than five minutes for me to orgasm. Being with her all day had left me hard and wanting. The moment I had the opportunity to slake my lust, I took it.
“We should get the groceries,” I said, rolling off her.
“Yes, and then I will make dinner.”
We headed back out to the Range Rover and unloaded the groceries. She refused to let me help her cook, so I sat and watched her instead. Watching her move around the kitchen with practiced ease made me smile. It also made me want to take her again right there on the counter.
She slid the casserole dish into the oven and set the timer.
“One hour?” I asked.
With a smile that said she knew exactly what I was thinking, she slowly nodded her head. “One hour.”
“Let's take a shower before dinner,” I said, jumping off the bar stool and taking her hand, leading her out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room.
“One hour! You are not going to let me burn my dinner, mister,” she scolded.
“We better strip now so we can save time,” I said, pulling off my sweater and then my T-shirt as we climbed the stairs.
By the time we reached my room, we were both down to our underwear, which was shed on the way to the bathroom. I reached in and turned on the water before reaching out for her naked body.
“My god, every time I see you, I am stunned by how perfect you are,” I said, kissing her softly while running my hands over all of her silky skin.
We walked into the shower, and I gave her body one hell of a wash before she did mine.
Chapter 14
“Hello?” I answered my phone, being careful not to disturb Chase who was sleeping next to me.
“I'll be home for dinner,” Blake said.
I blinked, looked at the clock on the bedside table, and saw it was just after eight. That was very early for Blake.
“Okay. You're up early,” I said, trying not to sound like I had been asleep.
“We're going to hit the mountain again. We came up yesterday and had planned to come home this morning, but there's fresh powder. It's too good to pass up,” he said, and I could hear the excitement in his voice.
“Okay, I'll tell Chase. Have fun, and I'll see you tonight,” I said before ending the call.
I laid back down and snuggled against Chase's warm body.
“Was that Blake?”
His voice was groggy with sleep. It had been another late night last night. We barely made it to Chase's room after starting things in the living room again. I had volunteered my room with the bigger bed, but Chase had been very quick to decline that option. I didn't press him on it.
Now, we were snug in his bed, and I had no plans to move anytime soon.
“Yes. Said he'll be home tonight for dinner. Go back to sleep,” I told him, already falling to sleep myself.
He grunted, and I felt his body relax as he drifted off once again.
The next time I woke up it was due to a very wet dream. Chase was still softly snoring, but I could feel his erection. He was having some good dreams as well.
It gave me an idea. I carefully lifted my arm from where it had been lying across his flat abs and slid my body down his, under the sheet. Once I reached my goal, I opened my mouth and took his cock into it.
He jerked, and his hand immediately came to rest on my shoulder. I used my tongue to lick every glorious inch and then sucked until I was rewarded with his climax.
I climbed up from my place under the sheet, grinning like a fool.
“That was a hell of a way to wake up,” he said before pouncing like a tiger and knocking me on my back. He yanked the sheets down, revealing my nude body.
“My turn,” he said in a low voice that had my juices flowing before he even touched me.
He used his knees to open my legs while he trailed kisses down my stomach. The moment his mouth closed over me, I could feel a climax coming. He teased me and refused to give me what I needed for far longer than I could stand. By the time he was finally finished bringing me to the brink and pulling me back again, I was covered in a fine sheen of sweat, and my body ached. Every nerve was raw, and I felt as taut as a bowstring. When he sucked my clit, it plummeted me over the edge, and I was screaming with the most powerful release I had ever experienced.
We both lay there, completely depleted before we ever got out of bed.
“We have about seven hours before Blake is home,” I mumbled.
He sighed. “We better make the most of it.”
I rolled over, kissed his chest, and crawled on top of him, I wanted to ride this man every chance I got. He laughed but quickly stopped when I leaned down to kiss him. I wasn't in the mood for laughing. I was in the mood for fucking.
After another round, we finally managed to make it to the shower. It was then he handed me the bag from the lingerie store the day before.
“Put this on.”
I opened it and smiled. “There isn't a lot to put on,” I said, pulling out the skimpy bit of lace and ribbons.
“I know,” he said with a wink before kissing me.
“How about I take this to my room to put on, and you meet me in the kitchen.”
His dick jumped, growing, and readying for another round of mind-blowing sex.
“Uh-uh, not yet,” I cooed before walking by, runni
ng my fingernails over his chest as I did.
It took me a few minutes to figure out where the ribbons went, but I managed. The red lace thong was connected to red ribbons that led up the sides of my waist to form a bra of sorts. It was nothing more than a series of red ribbons stretched across my breasts. I took a look in the mirror and felt very sexy. I walked to my closet, put on a pair of red stiletto heels and headed down the hall, feeling extremely naughty. I loved how playful we could be together. It wasn't all seriousness and dramatic. We were two people incredibly attracted to each other who had some outrageously good sex.
I could hear him in the kitchen and suddenly felt a little nervous. The get-up covered almost nothing. I was basically walking into the kitchen nude—again.
I stepped through the arch and saw him digging in the fridge wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. Thank god, I wasn't the only one nearly naked.
I assumed what I hoped was a sexy stance, one leg slightly bent with a hand on one hip. “Chase?”
He spun around and dropped the water bottle he had been holding.
“Fuck me,” he groaned, staring at me without moving.
I smiled. “Do you like it?”
His hand reached down to grab his cock that was pressed against his briefs. “Yeah,” he grunted, walking toward me.
I stood waiting for him to come to me. The second he reached me, his arms snaked out, lifting me up and carrying me to the table in the dining room before depositing me and ordering me to turn around. It was a hot and wild time with me bent over the table while he pounded me from behind.
When we managed to catch our breath, I walked back into the kitchen to make us something to eat. Together, we ate lunch, neither one of us talking about the minutes ticking away. Our time together was coming to an end. I didn't want to think about tonight or next week when Chase left. For now, it was me and him, and that's what I wanted to focus on.
“I should probably change,” I said, feeling more than a little exposed.
I laughed. “Chase—”
He seared me with one look. “I like it. Let me enjoy my gift.”
The way he looked at me as if I were the most desirable woman in the world made me want to please him.
I grabbed his hand, led him into the living room, and ordered him to sit on the couch. He did, keeping his eyes on me the entire time. I straddled him and began to kiss his neck, planning on licking every bit of skin on his body. His hands were running over my body, working me into a frenzy. My slow perusal of his chest turned into desperation for more.
I could feel him hard and straining and knew he was ready, but I wasn't ready to stop touching him yet. He moved a ribbon that had been stretched across my nipples and closed his mouth over one, before moving to the other.
“Leah,” he groaned, sitting forward, lifting me as if I were nothing more than a feather and gently laying me on the couch. His hands slid down my inner thigh and then the other. He grabbed my ankle and lifted my leg over the back of the couch and my other to hang off the couch. I was spread wide before him. With any other man, I would have probably felt self-conscious but not with him.
He dropped to his knees next to the couch and began to kiss my breasts through the ribbons. His hands moved between my legs and began to work their magic. I could feel my orgasm building. I wanted to make this time last, in case it was our last.
“What the fuck?” a voice cut through the haze of lust I had been enveloped in.
Chase grabbed the blanket from the end of the couch and threw it over me.
Shit, shit, shit.
Blake was home. Early.
Chapter 15
“Dude,” I said, looking down to make sure Leah was covered. “I'm sorry. It isn't what it looks like.”
Blake was standing in the doorway, pretending to be heaving his guts out. It was all a little dramatic.
My boner had gone soft at the first sound of Blake's yelling. If he had come in a minute later, he would have found me on top of Leah, wildly fucking her. I was bummed to see him, but even more irritated that he had come home before I got the chance to do just that.
Leah was standing next to me, the blanket draped around her. I was still standing there in my briefs.
“Blake,” she started, moving toward him.
Blake held up a hand. “Don't you dare come near me. Stay the fuck away from me.”
“Blake,” I said in a low voice, warning him to chill.
He couldn't take this out on Leah.
“Blake, I'm sorry,” Leah said again in a quiet voice loaded with guilt and shame.
Blake turned to look at her, disgust on his face, but he didn't say a word.
Leah put her chin up, her shoulders back and walked past Blake with a regal air.
I had to fight back a smile. That was my girl. She was too proud to let Blake's nasty noises and hateful looks get to her.
Once she was out of the room, Blake turned his fury on me.
“You're fucking my stepmom?”
“It isn't like that,” I repeated.
He shook his head. “I can't talk to you when you're standing there practically naked.”
“Stay here,” I ordered, before running up the stairs to my room to get my shorts.
I was back within a couple of minutes. Blake was still standing near the door as if he were afraid to go any further into the room.
“Let's go to the kitchen and talk,” I suggested, hoping to remove the image of me and Leah on the couch.
He glared at me, but I assumed he was following me. I assumed wrong.
When I turned to see if he was coming, I saw his fist a split second before I felt it hit. I didn't fall or hit him back. I stood there, staring back at him, daring him to hit me again.
“Dammit!” he screamed, holding his hand.
“Are you done?” I asked.
“Damn you!” he screamed again.
I stood there, waiting to see if he was going to take another swing at me.
All I got was a lot of incoherent screaming and yelling. I understood bits and pieces. He was obviously pissed about me and Leah hooking up. That much I got, but I couldn't figure out why it was such an issue.
“Blake, I am sorry for hooking up with Leah, but it isn't like that.”
He looked at me, rolled his eyes, and then burst out laughing. “You keep saying that. What is it if it isn't like that?” he asked, using his fingers to make air quotes.
His question took me by surprise. I didn't exactly know what it was, but I felt it was more than a weekend fling. I hoped.
“Why are you so upset about this? She isn't your mom. You barely have a relationship with her, and it isn't like you don't have a similar situation going on with Marissa,” I pointed out, going on the defensive.
Blake's eyes went wide. “She's my stepmom!”
“Was. Was your stepmom.”
I knew it was a little cold, but the guy was starting to piss me off. He was a little too self-righteous for my taste. I wanted to take him down a peg or two.
“You know, when my dad first introduced me to her, I figured she was a gold-digging slut. They both tried really hard to convince me otherwise. I thought I believed it, but now I think she’s just a basic slut.”
“Shut your fucking mouth, Blake. You know that's not true,” I said in a low voice.
“No. Fuck you. I bring you into my dad's house, and you fuck his wife. What kind of shit is that, man?” he started shouting again.
“First of all, it's Leah's house. Second, your dad has been gone over a year, Blake,” I said the last in a much softer tone. Blake and his dad weren't exactly close, but it was still his dad.
Blake was shaking his head. “They're married.”
I sighed. “Do you think she needs to be alone for the rest of her life? Is that what you really want?”
“You trying to be my new stepdad?” He smirked. “Am I supposed to call yo
u daddy or father?”
“Knock it off, dude. You’re acting like a spoiled little shit. Quit being a little bitch,” I said, stepping toward him. “You know Leah isn't like that. I never said anything about being your dad.”
He took a deep breath. “What are you doing with her?”
I shrugged. “I don't know. We just clicked. I like her. She's gorgeous, funny, kind, and a hell of a cook.”